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16 mars 2019 6 16 /03 /mars /2019 20:00


Pie Day 2


Pie Day 2

Notice how the green and yellow appples didn't retain their colors once cooked. A disapointment, I really wanted the 3 hues to show.  Lesson learned. 

Note comme les pommes vertes et jaunes ont perdu leurs couleurs à la cuison. Je suis déçue, j'aurais bien aimé que le camaïeu perdure. Je le saurais pour la prochaine fois. 

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15 mars 2019 5 15 /03 /mars /2019 03:40

<English blurb way below>

Le savais-tu? 

Le 14 mars est la journée de la tarte. Mais pourquoi?

Le 14 mars 1988, non seulement ma soeur est née (mais ça n'a rien à voir) mais un physicien du nom d'Harry Shaw a organisé, à San Francisco,  un rassemblement en l'honneur du nombre Pi. Depuis, le nombre a gagné en popularité et en 2009, le congrès américain a fait du 14 mars la journée officielle de Pi (en Amerique, en tous cas).

Bon, ok, le jour de Pi, mais pourquoi "journée de la tarte"?

-les anglophones écrivent la date du 14 mars 3/14, on extrapole a 3.14

Et 3.14, ça te fait penser à quoi? Voilà, Pi

- en anglais, Pi se prononce "paille", pareil que "pie", qui veut dire tarte

-Comme tu le sais si tu es allé(e) au cm2, Pi sert à calculer des valeurs relatives aux cercles. Et les tartes, c'est circulaire, donc, pouf, la tarte est l'embleme de Pi, donc en anglais ca fait un jeu de mot Pi/Pie.


Voila, donc, après ce préambule bien rasoir, je poste ici la tarte que j'ai faite et que Cameron a apporte a l’école aujourd'hui pour le cours de math (puisqu'à  part en math, quand est-ce que tu parles de Pi?). 


If you didn't know, March 14 is Pi day because the date ressemble the number 3.14, and also sounds like "pie", so March 14 is Pi/Pie day. Bonus: a pie is a circle, so double-entendre, I guess.

Cameron's math teacher asked students who wanted to to bring a pie to school today. Here is ours. 




Le journée de la tarte - Pie Day

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14 mars 2019 4 14 /03 /mars /2019 20:58

Le 14 mars 1988, mon papa est venu me réveillée pour que je me prépare pour l'école, comme tous les matins.

Sauf qu'il a pas dit "C'est lheure" il a dit "vous avez eu une petite soeur dans la nuit". 

Je savais même pas qu'ils étaient partis de la baraque pour aller à l'hosto.

Et je suis allée à l'école ivre de joie, je l'ai dit à tout le monde. 

L'aprem, je crois qu'on est allé voir maman et Lucie à l'hopital. La journée la plus longue de la vie de papa, surement, mais la plus belle! Ca c'est sûr!

Merci d'être là!


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13 mars 2019 3 13 /03 /mars /2019 17:23

Dolores is Thom's grandma. Or was, rather, as she moved on last night.

I have known her for 21 years. It is not a lot but it is enough to  know many things about her that made her a fun and generous grandma-in-law.

Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron

Dolores is Thom's grandma. Or was, rather, as she moved on last night.

I have known her for 21 years. It is not a lot but it is enough to  know many things about her that made her a fun and generous grandma-in-law.

In no particular order:



She loved cats and Huskies (the team, not the animals. Although she might have, seeing how she respected all animals. Except the coyotes: those bastards would try to get her cats)



She didn't care very much for cooking but still, back in the 90s,  Thom told me that she used to make a treat for him when he was little: Ritz cracker and PB sandwich, covered in chocolate. So I asked her for the recipe and she made the effort to write it down for me and mailed it right away. 



Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee CameronDolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron

Naturally, we made them today in her honor.

Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron


When you meet Dolores, you meet Mardelle. Her BFF since forever. Their favorite thing to do together was play scrabble  drinking gin. 


Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron


I like Scrabble too, so I played quite a few times with Dolores. I remember two instances where the game was funner than usual:

-we were at her house, Thom and I along with Jadon and Anne. I am the first to start and I score a scrabble, insuring from the start a load of points. On this, Dolores states that the rules specify that if the first player's first word is a scrabble, the game starts over. I didn't know her very well, I didn't know many scrabble-worthy English words, and I didn't know how to speak eloquently, but I sure as heck knew that that was a total bullshit rule she just made up because she didn't want to have to catch up with me. 

-in that same game, she explained that when the blank tile is on the board replacing a letter, you can snatch it and add it to your hand if you have the actual  letter. (for example, the blank stand for a D in a word on the board. You have a D in your deck. According to her, you can your D, put it in the place of the blank, and keep the blank to use later, at your convenience. ). That is also not a rule.

-many years later, there we were again, at Roberta's house this time. There was a bunch of us so we played in teams. Roberta and Dolores were one. They were arguing about a strategy. bBeing somewhat deaf by then, and stubborn, Dolores meant to whisper her idea to Roberta's ear but she was speaking loud enough for us all to hear. So of course, the next player took their spot and that infuriated her.


Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron


I can't count the times where Dolores took us out for dinner, had us over at her house for a meal (when she wasn't as tired as she has been these last few years), bought the kids clothers or toys, sent a card for Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Valentine's day, you name it,  or sent money so we could buy ourselves nice presents for  Christmas.

I remember more fondly this one Christmas when Thom and I lived with Roberta and Jaimie and we were not rolling in it at all, and Dolores gave Thom and I a check. She said "Listen, you should use it to by yourself something nice. Go to the Bon Marche on Tuesday, there is a sale, it's cheaper". So I took her advice and money and bought this awesome red leather jacket. I had never had a leather jacket before and I loved that it was red.  

Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron


Dolores grew up in the lighthouse on Alki Point, in Seattle (google it). She liked everything lighthouse. Pictures, pillows, blankets, posters, trinkets...

I actually visited the lighthouse a couple of years ago. I got to see what had been her home as a child, her bedroom, where she played etc...

Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron
Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron



Every time we went to Tacoma, which, sadly, we don't do often enough, we always paid Dolores a visit. She was always asking the kids how they were, what grade they were in, what they liked etc..Inevitably she would say "Oh, Cameron, you look just like your dad at your age" and "Zoe your hair is so beautiful".



Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron
Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron


And with all this joy in mind, I bid you farewell, Dolores Diane Delorenzo.

 I am glad that  you are now free and at peace, although you leave many in a deep sorrow.

I will kep an eye on Roberta for you. I know for a fact she loves you so much and forever. 

Dolores Diane Delorenzo, nee Cameron
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8 mars 2019 5 08 /03 /mars /2019 09:45

Je tiens mon blog depuis 12 ans.

Je n’écris plus tous les jours comme au début, parce que les enfants ne disent/font plus de trucs mignons et ma vie à moi n'a pas toujours d’intérêt qui vaut le coût d’être partagé. 

J'ai tout de même une poignée de fidèles qui n'ont pas Facebook mais qui suivent mon blog assidûment, et donc qui peuvent quand même savoir ce qui nous arrive malgré la distance qui nous sépare et mon manque flagrant et regrettable de communication plus personnelle.

C’était le but de départ de ce blog: garder ceux qui nous aiment mais qui sont loin au jus de nos "aventures".

Venez voir de temps en temps, parfois je fais l'effort d'être drôle, ça peut égayer votre journée, qui sait? Et peut-être qu'un jour un article sera à propos de vous! (ça va pas faire le buzz, calmez-vous, mais ça veut dire qu'on se sera vu, donc ça ce serait cool).




My blog is 12 years old. 

I don't write every day like at the beginning because the kids don't do/say cute things anymore, and there aren't a lot of things in my life that are worth sharing. 


Still, I have a handful of friends who don't have Facebook and use this blog to keep up with our lives. Which was the whole goal of this blog: allowing people who love us but are far away from us to stay current on our "adventures". 

Come visit the blog from times to times, I might make an effort to be funny, it could brigthen your day, who knows? And you might end up in an article! (it won't go viral, don't get excited, but it would mean we would have seen each other , so that's cool enough)

This blog is 12

Quelques statistiques


Some stats

2,357 published articles

2,357 published articles

51,614 visitors (I don't have 51,000 viewers, it means my handful of viewers checked out the blog a bunch of times) - 138,864 pages seen - 2.69 views/visit

51,614 visitors (I don't have 51,000 viewers, it means my handful of viewers checked out the blog a bunch of times) - 138,864 pages seen - 2.69 views/visit

Pour une fois, une photo de moi (en rédaction, qui plus est)

And for once, a picture of me 

(Blogging, as a matter of fact)

This blog is 12

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6 mars 2019 3 06 /03 /mars /2019 04:35
Mardi très gras
Mardi très gras
Mardi très gras

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1 mars 2019 5 01 /03 /mars /2019 05:03


Cameron a 12 ans aujourd'hui.

12 ans qu'il me fait rire, m’énerve, débarrasse la table, laisse traîner ses chaussettes, me surprend, me remet à ma place, me fait des blagues, me fait tourner en bourrique, m'adore, me déteste, me présente ses excuses, me pardonne. Il est a lui seul tous les garçons de 12 ans et en même temps seulement lui-même. 

Et comme beaucoup de garçons de 12 ans aujourd'hui, qu'est-ce qu'il aime: pas l’école et fortnite/overwatch. Donc qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour lui faire plaisir: ça. Pas d’école et PS4 illimitée, avec, coincés de-ci de-là le gâteau, les sushis, les cadeaux. 

Sa vie-même est une joie indescriptible et incommensurable pour moi depuis 12 ans, alors lui faire rater l’école, franchement, c'est rien à coté, mais pour lui c'était le plus beau jour de sa vie.  




Cameron is 12 today.

12 years that he makes me laugh, upsets me, clear the dishes, leaves his socks everywhere, surprises me, keeps me on my toes, plays pranks on me, drives me insane, loves me, hates me, apologizes, forgives. He is every 12 year old boy and yet he is only himself. 

And like many 12 year old boys nowadays, he likes: no school and fornite/overwatch.

So what did I do to make him happy? Just that: no school and unlimited ps4, adding cake, presents, sushi at some point or other.

His life itself is an indescribable and immeasurable joy for me, so skipping school this one time is really no comparison, but it was the best day of his life. 

Le pauvre Cameron, en 1 minute il a été submergé par 3 émotions immenses concomitantes:

-la joie extrême de ne pas aller à l’école ("oh cool")

-l’impossibilité de croire que moi, la plus psychorigide des mères, lui fasse rater l’école sans raison ('t'es sérieuse")

-la crainte de s'attirer des ennuis parce qu'on fait quelque chose d'interdit qui devrait aboutir a une punition ("tu vas te faire arrêter")


Poor Cameron was overwheled in one single minute with 3 different intense emotions:

-extreme joy of unexpectedly not going to school ("oh cool")

-impossibility to beleive that I, the most rule-driven mom, would let him skip school for no reason ("are you serious?")

-fear of getting in trouble for breaking the law and suffer the consequences ("the cops will go after you")

Après la bonne nouvelle de l’école buissonnière, direction la boulangerie pour le 2e petit déjeuner: tarte au citron et gros brownie.


Once we drove past the school we went for our second breakfast at the bakery: lemon pie and brownie pie. 


Pour éliminer tout ce sucre, rien de tel qu'une bonne grosse heure de trampoline.

To get rid of all that sugar, nothing like an hour of trampoline.


Mais comme sauter ca creuse, on est alle dejeuner au fast food du coin, un classique pour Cameron.

But jumping makes a man hungry, so we went to the local buger joint, Cameron's favorite.


Une fois de retour a la maison, écrans illimités pour les gosses.

Once back at the house, the kids had unlimited screen time.


Pour le gouter, les chocolatines que je n'achete jamais et que je ne sais pas faire, donc si vous habitez en France, ca a l'air de rien, mais pour nous ca vaut de l'or.

For snacks we had yet more pastries, the ones I never buy and can't make myself (people in France would think nothing of those but here, they are a big deal).


Pour le diner, les sushis avec son ami, qui nous a généreusement tous invités. 

For dinner, sushi with best friend, who generously treated us all. 


De retour à la maison, le gâteau et les cadeaux. Et on va s’arrêter là parce que toutes les bonnes journées ont une fin. Le plus beau jour de notre vie. Jusqu’à demain, et au lendemain parce qu’être la mère de Cameron, c'est te réveiller en te disant que c'est le plus beau jour de ta vie, tous les jours.


Back at the house, we did cake and presents. And we stopped the festivities there because  all good days must end.  Best day of our lives. Until tomorrow, and the day after because being Cameron's mom is having the best day of your life every day.


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28 février 2019 4 28 /02 /février /2019 05:12

"Hey, don't take my picture or I'll kill you so hard, you're gonna die to death". 

12 sounds like it's gonna  be sassy and assertive, and God knows what else! Looking forward to being amazed, challenged, embarassing, the worst, the best, everything in between and whatever else young people think of their parents nowadays. 

Last day of 11

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24 février 2019 7 24 /02 /février /2019 08:43
Birthday Pie
Birthday Pie
Birthday Pie
Birthday Pie
Birthday Pie
Birthday Pie
Birthday Pie

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16 février 2019 6 16 /02 /février /2019 09:20
Baking with Dad
Baking with Dad
Baking with Dad
Baking with Dad
Baking with Dad

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